Sync YAROOMS with your other calendars

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Integrations with other calendar apps was something we didn’t perceive as extremely important, but you proved us wrong. So, being the nice people we are, we listened to your pleas.

Introducing the new External Calendar Integration section

The new calendar integrations are based on secret URL feeds. Secret as in “only you know about them and you shouldn’t share them with other people”. You can set up 3 types of feed:

  • Personal calendar - this option exports only the meetings where you are invited as a user or by email
  • Location calendar - this option exports all of the meetings in a particular location; after you choose the option, you will have to choose a location
  • Room calendar - this option exports all of the meetings in a particular room; after you choose the option, you will have to choose a room

We’ve prepared a detailed tutorial on how you can sync your YAROOMS account with Google Calendar, Outlook and Mac. See it here: External Calendar Integrations.

And give us a buzz via the support system if you need any kind of help.

Topics: News from YAROOMS

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